Wednesday 2 October 2013

How does an information perspective affect my research question?

Addressing my research question through the lens of information science provides a needed focus and a sound justification for this research. While reviewing current literature on the topic I have come across a few statements which resonate with my train of thought:

“The expansion and decline of social structures depend on
information spreading in the form of languages, religion, or
other cultural inventions”1

“A healthy society relies on a social system, sharing and creating together”2

The first quote is from an article which discusses how the spread of information influences the development of cultural centers. According to the authors, information and ideas act as vectors which may interact with neighbouring agents. It is when information intersects or groups share the same information source that centers are created. This idea, then combined with the second quote - a philosophy I much believe in - may be a way to justify the need to centralize public services such as libraries, arts, recreation, and health centres. Perhaps it is possible that by leveraging information generated by these services we can create better community centers that are able to address needs specific to their patrons. Making information accessible and combining resources may allow for the empowerment of community members to decide at the local level how to use resources and innovate ideas that address needs unique to their location.


1 Dybiec B, MitaraiN, and Sneppen K. (2012) Information spreading and development of cultural centres in Physics Review E, Vol 85, 5.
2 A-zsoy, M. (2005). Social and Cultural Centers in Journal of applied sciences (Asian Network for Scientific Information) Vol 5, 7, p1200-1205.

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